Aquil Lun

Well, the blogs resetting to the top of the page is fixed. But, apparently I have more broken links than a sausage factory. I'm not sure, but I assume it has something to do when my original host sold out to my current hosting service.

I'll be fixing them slowly over time. After each page is back to working, I'll start fixing the blog links. Thank you for your patience.

A little about this site

I should mention a little more about this website you stumbled across. It really is just a place to introduce you to the people I’ve met and the adventures I’ve had. I had intended to create a nice set of books, but technology has risen to a place where paper books do little more than give publishers some money, with a pittance to the author. There are other methods, but money isn’t something that I’m after. If I was, I wouldn’t be paying to create and maintain this website. I will be clear, I do all the writing and editing, I just pay some company to host these ones and zeros. I’m here to tell the story of my life, and I hope that’s entertainment for you.

Aside from my hatred of wizards, which is well deserved, I’ll dive into a few other opinions. I also like conspiracy theories, not that I believe them, but anytime you get the opportunity to think, take it.

I’ll also toss in a few fun stories, that have no real basis in reality, but should be fun as well. Mixed with these will be some fun stories that have a real basis in reality. But, I’m sure you’ll be able to tell the difference.

If you want to read this site as I've built it, read my blogs above in order. Or, just use the menus above. After my story is mostly complete, I'll tell you a little more about Aushlin and Sam.

But, to start, read my intro. I may even tell you about my name.