Aquil's Meld

The melding process is strange, for both parties. And a long time, in mortal speak. This is a story from the perspective of the person I melded with.

I had three different routes from my house to the college I was attending. Community college. I had started at a nice private university my first year, but that didn’t work out very well. Although I’m fairly smart, the introductory classes were beyond what I’d learned in high school. So, I enrolled in a community college to get back on track. And moved back home.

For some reason, I woke fairly early that morning in October. If I recall, it was 1992. After a shower and breakfast, the clock still showed way too early to leave. Unless I took my time with the longest route to school. The school was essentially 10 miles directly east of my house. I could take the interstate and arrive in 15 minutes, the county road north if I had 20 minutes to burn, or the long route that would take 30 minutes. I had an hour before the school opened its doors, which was 15 minutes before class.

I grabbed my books and tossed them in the back of my ’63 Ford Fairlane. Four door. At the time, I liked this car. It wasn’t powerful, but it was easy to work on and very reliable. It was also very good for taking the long way to school and burning time. It wasn’t fast in any sense of the word.

Being a college kid with the respective budget, I had a cheap Radio Shack tape player in this car. I had a couple other cars as well, it was a hobby. I found cars that didn’t run, made them reliable, and sold them. I miss many of those cars.

As I reached the highway for my longest route, I noticed a friend of mine driving down the road on his way to school. I stayed about an eighth mile in front of him, and waved back as I finally reached highway speeds. He waved back. Then, things got weird. There were no other cars that I could see. Just my friend behind me. Nothing coming the other way, nothing in my lane in front of me.

A couple miles down the highway was a feed-yard. Feed-yards and old cars with the window open don’t mix very well, but that wasn’t an issue this time. The next road after the feed-yard is about a mile east, and a route I planned to take to burn some time.

As I approached the feed-yard, it sounded like my tape player was going to eat my tape. It had done this a few times in the past, since, as I stated, it was cheap. I popped the eject button and looked down to see if the tape was being eaten. It wasn’t, but when I looked up, I was about to meet the rear end of a large farm truck turning at that road east of the feed-yard. I had looked down for maybe a second, and traveled a couple miles. I didn’t think of it at the time, but I also missed the pleasant aromas of the feed-yard.

After gaining my composure, I decided I’d continue east and just drive through town. I had plenty of time before my 8:00am class. My watch said it was just 7:10am, 10 minutes after I left my house.

My mind went back to being happy about getting a parking spot close to the building. A nice bonus in arriving so early.

As I pulled into the school, I noticed the parking lot was full. Everyone woke up early? I did see my friend’s car near the school doors. I have no idea how he beat me so easily. Maybe he was just lucky.

As I pulled into the dirt out-lot and walked toward the school, I realized there wasn’t anyone standing outside, as would have been normal for any time before 7:45am. I check my watch. It said it was 7:25am. I rounded the corner to look straight at the doors. Nobody was there. The parking lot was full. My watch said 7:26am.

I walked up to the doors, expecting them to be locked. They weren’t. I walked through the doors, expecting to see everyone hanging out in the common area. They weren’t. My watch said 7:28am.

I shrugged and walked back toward my class. I could pass time reviewing notes or writing poetry. As I approached the door, the bell rang. I paused. Something didn’t feel right. I started to look at my watch, but my friend that had been behind me on the highway was the first one out of the class.

“Where’d you go?” he asked. “My radio freaked out and I look back up and you’d sped away. I didn’t even see you turn!”

“I went straight,” I replied quietly.

“Yeah right, I know you better than that. You saw me look down and took off. Let’s go to the lunchroom and I’ll let you copy my notes.” He walked off toward the common area. My watch said 8:46am.

I never did catch up that day. And, that night was worse. I felt like I didn’t sleep at all and went through an all-night weight lifting session. My dreams were extremely strange, dreaming about gods and dragons.

I’m back. Now, from my perspective, it was a little different. Okay, a lot different. I have read the rest of his story, and it’s even stranger. As he said, he was a poet, and he did have a habit of writing dream journals. I’ll post some of those stories as well. Later.

For now, back to the meld. Now, it is entirely possible that I don’t remember my side as well as I think, I was still dreary from waking up, even though I’d been watching this guy for a couple years. Since he thought he had some extra time, I thought it was a good idea to try the meld. I had no idea about the timing, since time is a little irrelevant to me. But, I do know that I would be able to move him away from Earth to perform the meld.

I should apologize for the near miss, but it was never going to be a hit. Just startling, which was something my father said should happen. In his words, it was a way for his brain to know something happened. I can’t explain the watch. Sorry.

Anyway, I saw his car driving, and him waving to his friend. I did see a possible problem with his friend, but thankfully his friend wasn’t going to believe anything that didn’t fit his view of the world. Even if it meant that a 30-year-old underpowered car could gain enough speed in 5 seconds to become basically invisible, or even handle well enough to go that fast around a corner. You may think that guy was a little slow. He wound up with an engineering degree. He lives in Michigan now, and has been reasonably successful.

Back to my guy. Lifting his car wasn’t too big of a trick, hiding it was. To clarify, I only lifted his car high enough for traffic to run underneath without an issue. I didn’t take him into the stars, as he remembers. As for the distance traveled, I may be strong even in consciousness-only form, but physics still works and it takes time to stop a car traveling 60MPH then send it back to 55MPH without causing damage to the body I was about to become part of. This was a 1963 Ford Fairlane. It only had lap belts, which thankfully my guy used. You may ask why, when the steering column would just impale you anyway. Well, when you try to go around a corner, the seat belt will keep you a little closer to where you want to be.

The meld took about an hour in Earth time. Drak-Bar said it would take no time. Have you ever tried to hold a 1963 Ford Fairlane in the air for an hour? I didn’t have muscles, but the pain was the same. And he thought it was from a bad night of sleep-weight-lifting.

I take no credit for the following story he wrote. I don’t know where this supreme being stuff came from, but maybe his side of the brain was trying to figure out what happened. I don’t remember Liz, and his name isn’t Jim. Cross that one off your list.

The Immortal Life

by Aquil’s Boddy

 “Where I come from...I do not know. Where I am going...I’ll not know. Where I am...I vaguely know. In a life of mysteries, I know...I am the mystery of life.

“In nineteen hundred and ninety two, my life twisted into another. No longer was I blinded by mortality. The world changed, seemingly overnight. I changed. Whether people noticed, I do not know. But, I knew.

“Traveling in my car, as many times before, I looked up to the sky. My thoughts wandered among those stars. I imagined myself flying. My mind lifted. I could no longer see the road I traveled. Nor could I feel the air pour through my opened window. At this moment, I felt as I had never felt.

“That night, lying in my bed. I again had the sensation of flying through the heavens. This time, though, I was naked. The stars looked upon me as though curious. I felt a cool breeze wrap its icy fingers around my body. My mind wandered among the stars, communicating in a way like never before.

“I remember waking the next day. I felt as if I hadn’t slept at all. My body...tired, and sore. My mind...exhausted.”


“Hi, Jim!” called a familiar voice.

“Hi...L-Liz. What’s up?”

“Not much. Just getting ready for class. Did you finish the homework?”

“Nn...I think so.”

“Well, can I see it? I had trouble with that last section.”

“Sure.” My arms screamed in agony as I lifted my bookbag up to the table.

“Little sore, huh, Jimmy?” teased Cowell.

“Worked too hard last night.”

“Yeah...whatever.....” Cowell continued into the lounge.

“Here, Liz. I finished all of ‘em. Which ones...”

“This one.” She studied my homework for what felt like an eternity. “What did you do?! I don’t remember doing this stuff.”

“I’ll show ya. Let’s go to class first, though.”


We walked down the hall towards the classroom, passing greetings to our friends who seemed to be moving in slow motion. Not exactly slow motion, but...different. “What time is it?”

“Quarter ‘til. Why? Did you think we’d be late?”

“Actually...yes. I left my house at seven thirty and...”

“You really shouldn’t drive so fast on that road, Jim.”

“I didn’t. I stayed under fifty five the whole way.”

Liz laughed, “Do you want me to set your watch for ya?”

“It says thirteen ‘til now.”

Liz just looked at me with a crooked smile as she shook her head. “Now...about this problem...”

“Not a problem.”

I sat through what seemed to be an eternal class. My watched didn’t seem to move at all. And the teacher moved slower than ever. Finally...the bell rang. “Jim. Are you going to be in the lounge after Physics?” a voice asked behind me.

“Yeah. I’ll be there.” I answered without turning. It was as though I could see behind me. “Did you bring your own stick today?” I looked back over my shoulder.

“Yep. Need to get used to it for the tournament, you know.”

“Yeah, whatever. See ya later.” My bookbag hung lighter than ever. Even my muscles seemed to relax in that long hour of class. As I walked out of the room, my head floated off my shoulders. I managed to walk back to the lounge without looking too bad, I think...

“Jim! Ya ready?”

“Ready for what, Cowell?”

“Ta play some pool.”

“I guess.” As I stood I felt a surge of energy run through my body. It was almost as though someone flipped a switch.

“You break, Jimmy. I don’t want you complaining about not getting a chance to shoot.”

“Okay!” I leaned over the table. “Eight ball - side pocket.” Cowell laughed as I put my body into the break.

Cowell’s face dropped as he watched the balls scatter. The eight ball bounced off the back rail, to the side rail, then to the opposite side pocket. “I didn’t lie, did I? You break.”

After playing what I considered lucky pool for an hour or so, I settled back down onto one of the lounge chairs with my homework.

“Jim, you gonna eat lunch today?” Liz asked as she walked up.

“But of course. I’ve been waiting for your!”

“Vampire movies and reckless driving really don’t mix!” she laughed. “Where do you wanna go?”

“Gold Table Lounge, if you’re buying.”

“It’s your turn to buy. Let’s go!”

“Taco Bell, right?”

“Whatever, cheapskate.” I followed her out the lounge to the pit, where most of her friends were sitting. I stood, admiring the symmetrical decoration of the pit as though it were a new sight.

“What’s wrong with Jimmy?” I heard one of Liz’s friends whisper. I ignored her.

“Nothing, why?”

“He’s acting different,” one of her other friends interjected.

“I think he had a rough night. He acted like he was sore earlier.”

“Not now. You should have seen him earlier. He looked drunk or something. But then he played pool with Cowell. Cowell said that he’d gone from a beginner to a pro overnight.”

"Maybe he’s just a shark.” Liz laughed as she grabbed my arm and pulled me to the front door. I waved back over my head.

“What’s up?” I asked once we were clear of the building.

“Nothing. Why?”

I shrugged and looked down to the ground.

“Jim. What’s wrong?”

"I just....nothing.”

“Just what?”

“Curious.” I paused to turn towards her. “What were you talking about?”

“Nothing. They were just asking if I’d broken up with Jay.”

“Have you?” I asked hopefully.

“Never in a million years, Jim. Sorry.” Liz tugged at my arm.


“Jen likes ya. I wouldn’t want to piss her off would I?”

“Go ahead.”

“You’re real nice.”

“I know...I know. She’s got a great personality.”

“Body too. Get in.” Liz walked around her car, looking to the sky, as I had the night before.

“Whatcha lookin’ at kid?”

“You need to watch fewer movies, bud!”

“Can I help it if no one will race me anymore?”

“Yes. Let someone else win once and a while. Besides, it’s dangerous.”

“What?! And ruin a perfect record?” I paused, watching a passing car. “What’s wrong with watching a couple movies, anyway?!”

“By yourself.”

“You won’t come over.”

“You live thirty miles from me. Why should I drive that far when my boyfriend is only a couple miles?”

“You can bring him too.”

“He’d love that.” Liz leaned back in her seat, stretching her arms. “Let me see...we need to go across from the motels don’t we?”

“Sure. You pay the tip for the idiot in gold and I’ll buy lunch.”

“Five dollar tip, I don’t think so.”

We drove for what seemed like hours looking for a fast food joint we hadn’t ate at in the last week.


My days continued to drag, slower and slower. My mind filled with foreign visions I was sure I had never seen. After an eternal week, I felt the need to talk to the visions in my head. At first, my attempts seemed futile, until late one Thursday night...


“Hello, Jim. I’m glad you’ve come around.”

“Who...who are you?”

“You know who I am.”

“No I don’t.” Sweat rolled off my forehead as I strained to open my eyes and make this vision disappear.

“Now why would you want to do such a thing. You know we are here to help.”

“I don’t even know who you are.” My eyes opened. My vision moved from my head to my bedside. From a simple, pulsating voice to a beautifully figured woman, draped in a pristine, white gown, seemingly floating in a light breeze.

“I am what you are.”

“I’m a human.”

“ are not.”

“What am I then? A vampire?”

“Why would you wish to be so weak?”


“Yes. Haven’t you learned yet?”

“Learned what.”

“Again! I’ve done it again!”

“What have you done?”

“Never mind. You must first learn who you are. Then call for me. I will finish your teachings.” She slowly faded into nothingness.

I laid in my bed, waiting...watching...wondering.

I woke the next morning. Thankful for the last day of school for the week. The first night of cruising for the weekend. And...the first day of the rest of my life. I felt better than I had the week before. It was as though the woman I had seen somehow lifted the pressure of life off my chest, allowing me to breathe once more.

“Jim! Did you study for the test?”

“What? I forgot.”

“Forgot?! You forgot about one third of your Calculus grade.”

“Sorry? going to lunch today?”

“Yeah. And I know it’s my turn to pay.” Liz packed her books and started towards the classroom. “Hit anymore ‘time warps’ lately?”


“Good.” Liz looked around the snack area. “You look better today. Finally get some sleep?”

“I wish. I didn’t fall asleep ‘til almost three in the morning.”

“Okay, Jim. What’s her name?” Liz stopped and turned to look me straight in the eye.


“You know who.”

“, I don’t.” I started walking again.

Liz waited for a couple seconds, then jogged up next to me. “You’ll tell me, if I ride with you tonight.”

“Sure. But you won’t believe me.”

“Good luck.”


“On the test.”

“Oh...good luck to you too.”


That afternoon, I spent all my time getting my car ready for the weekend. Last minute cleaning, retrieving fast food sacks, vacuuming...the works. As I walked my car out of the garage, the phone rang.

“Jim! It’s Liz.”

“Thanks, mom. Hello?...Hi Liz. What’s up?...Yeah, I’m just getting ready to leave...No, I won’t speed. You can even time me...What?...Sure, you’re sister can come along, if she wants...Great! See ya in a few...Okay, okay. Forty five minutes. Bye.” I hung up the phone and jogged to my car. “I’m leavin’, mom! Be back tonight.”

“Have a good time.”

As I pulled out of my driveway, I swung my car sideways on the gravel road leading to my house, as I had many times before. But this time, the sheriff noticed me. I pulled to the side of the road, counting the minutes, thinking of an excuse.

“Hello, officer. What’s goin’ on t’day?”

“Going a little fast out of your driveway, were we?”

“You weren’t. I wasn’t either. I was just testing my new tires, just in case I have to depend on ‘em.”

“Sure you were.”

“Not original enough?”


“How ‘bout this? My date’s gonna kill me if I’m late, and I really don’t want to have to speed to get there before my funeral.”

“Close enough. I’ll let you off this time. Now, get outa here!”

I carefully let out the clutch and went on my way. I occasionally glanced in my rear-view mirror, keeping track of the sun behind me. Then, I began pondering what the woman had said the night before. “I must learn who I am?” I thought to myself many times.

After traveling half-way to Liz’s house, I finally asked, aloud, “Who will teach me...about me?” I watched the road disappear in front of me. Soon I was floating in space, as I had become accustomed to doing. “Liz is going to kill me,” I mumbled.

“How?” a voiced boomed.

“What th...?”

“How is the mortal Liz going to kill you, the immortal supreme being?”

“Just a phra....immortal supreme being?!”


“I’m immortal?!”


“Wait. Who are you?”

“The one you asked for.”

“A gorgeous babe with eyes only for me?”

“I’m afraid not, sir. You see, I am gorgeous, though I’m not a ‘babe’.”

“Oh, I get it. You’re my teacher.”


“Well, how long will this take?”

“In what means are you measuring time?”

“You know...seconds, minutes, hours...”

“You are a smart-ass, aren’t you?”


“If you are worried about with the mortal...”

“Yes, as a matter of fact, I am.”


“She’ll kill...she’ll be very upset if I’m late.”

“How do you intend on being late?”

“By being here?”

“Here, there is no time.”

“Like a rip in time, or something?”

“Something, I guess. You watch too many of the movies these mortals have made.”

“Where have I heard that before?”

“Well, if you really want to know...”

“It’s just a uh...joke.”

“Yes, I am aware of that.”

“So what do you need to teach me?”

“What do you want to know?”

“Who am I?”

“An immortal supreme being.”

“A god?!”

“Yes...depending on how you define ‘god’.”

“Creator, destroyer, watcher, all that stuff.”


“Could you go into any depth, here?”

“You may go as deep as you’d like here. There are no limits.” I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. “You would like more details?”

“Yes,” I responded as calmly as I could.

“Why did you not say so? Anyway, as I said, you are an immortal sup....”

“...supreme being. What does that mean?”

“Listen. Don’t talk.”


“There are many classifications of beings. Mortals are, of course, the lowest being. Next are the immortals.”


“No. Immortals are simply mortals who have been made immortal by a supreme being.”

“Who’s an example of this?”

“Any mortal who marries a supreme being or is the child of such marriage. Immortals...are not relatively strong and can be easily terminated by a supreme being.”


“The same as you would terminate a mortal, actually. Next, are the mortal supreme beings. These are supreme beings which may be terminated by mortals or immortals, if they employ the correct methods.”

“Like the vampire.”

“That would be correct.”

“So vampires actually exist?”

“Of course. Now, let’s continue. Next to the top are the immortal supreme beings, such as you and I. We can easily terminate mortals, immortals, and mortal supreme beings. However it is quite hard to terminate another immortal supreme being. In fact, this is something only the ultimate immortal supreme beings are knowledgeable of. Be careful, though. If they tell you how to terminate another, you will most likely be convicted of the Crime and sentenced to a mortal life...which is death to immortals.”

“So you’re saying I’m one of the most powerful beings on Earth?”

“Perhaps the.”

“To finish your teaching, you must ask for Celeste. She will finish your teachings. Then you will be judged.” The road reappeared just as it had disappeared. Not even the clock had changed.


The weeks went by, yet I hardly noticed. My friends became more and more predictable. I knew their every move, yet I did not know why. Until, I finally spoke with Celeste.


“Jim. I’ve been waiting.”


“Yes. I am Celeste.”

“Bolnishe told me to ask for you.”

“Yes, but that was a while ago. Why did you wait?”

“What do you mean?”

“You have waited almost a month.”

“You keep track of time?”

“Yes. Most mortal supreme beings do. We are enchanted by its rhythm.”

“Why? Does time really have that much meaning to you.”



“We are mortal, we are tracked by time.”

“I thought you lived until terminated.”

“True. Though we lose power with time. Eventually becoming a simple mortal after thirteen millennia. Now to continue your teachings...”

“How much time do you have left?”

“Enough for your teachings, then I’ll be mortal.” She sighed and looked to the floor. “You, however,” she continued, “will never have to worry about such mortality. You will be seen by mortals as...powerful.”

“In what ways? How are you reborn as a mortal?”

“As a mortal child at birth, again. That is how we are all born into the universe. You were chosen to be an immortal supreme being for reasons of balance. If I am lucky, I will receive the same gift.” Her eyes reflected hope I had not yet seen in any supreme being. “As for your powers, your mind will be able to control most material objects, such as planets, asteroids, and stars. On a more Earth-bound note, you will have control over almost anything on Earth, including humans.”

“I’ll be able to control people, and their surroundings?”



"That will take some practice. We have time for that.”


Celeste took the remaining time of her supreme life to teach me “the tricks of the trade.” A better teacher, she could not have been. A happier teacher...maybe. I understood her, she understood me. However, the supreme gods, as I call them, would not permit any relations between teachers and their pupils. If, perhaps, I meet her in her mortal form, I would be able to immortalize her once more. I have found that I do possess at least that power of the supreme gods. One weekend, Liz had decided to ride with me once more. This time, however, was to be much more adventurous than the last.


Liz’s mother greeted me at the door. “Hello, Jim. How are you?”

“Fine, Mrs. Comstke. How are you?”

“Just great. Come on in. Liz’ll be down in a little bit.”

My mind inquired, hers answered. Liz had just gone into her room from her shower. This would be one long “little bit.” I managed to avoid pure boredom by pondering some of the so-called mysteries of the universe.

“Hi Jim. Ready?”

“Sure.” I had to check my watch. “I’m only a couple years older now.”

Liz looked up and winced. “How long have you been here, anyway?”

“Forever, it seems.”

“Ten minutes, Jim,” her mom interjected from the other room.

“Thanks, mom.”


“C’mon Jim, before she calls the priest and we ARE married. Good-bye mom!”

“Good-bye mo...Mrs. Comstke.”

“Have fun guys.”

“Jim, one of these days I’m gonna...”

“Now who’s watching too many movies?”

“Someone doesn’t come over enough.”

“You live thirty miles away!”

“Don’t start. You can’t weasel out that easily.”

I simply shrugged as I opened her door. “Where shall we go my dear?”

“Uptown, sir.”


This time, however, it was not quite that simple. While traveling the short five mile route towards town, the unexpected happened.


“Jim! Look out!!” Liz’s face shrunk as another vehicle swerved towards us. Unfortunately, not even I had time to react. The boredom of immortality, I guess. As I crouched over her lifeless body, my tears streamed down her face. Amazingly, her face seemed to twitch. At that time, I shouted to the supreme gods, “Make her mine, eternally!” At that instant, her body and I were swept away from the Earth, to the place of the gods, as I have come to call it.

“Why don’t you immortalize her yourself?” a voice echoed around us.

“How? Tell me how?!” I pleaded.

“You possess the power in your mind. Simply summon the power with your mind.” We were again on the roadside, next to what was left of my car.

“Liz. Liz!” I bent down and hugged her body.

“Jim. Jim, how did we...?”

“Don’t ask, as long as we’re okay.”

“I’m fine. What hap...Jim! Your car! Oh my God!” Again, we were transported to the place of the gods. This time, however, Liz was awake. “Jim? Where are we?”

“I’ll explain later.”

“Jim. Congratulations to you. You have completed your training. Have a good life. As for you Liz. You must start training as soon as possible. Jim knows all you need.” This time, we were put down before the accident, leaving plenty of time for me to react.


My life, and hers changed forever. She seemed the same to me, however she confided that everything in her mind had changed. She had said the time difference was driving her crazy. I could only reply, “I understand.” We later followed separate paths. If that’s really possible in the world of timelessness.

Years later, I found myself in a different setting, but with similar people in my presence. In all, my life had not changed. But how could it, no time had really passed. I have never found anyone quite like Liz. My life will continue, past generations of mortals, past lifetimes of planets. Someday, I may even create my own planet, with my own Liz.