Castles. I'd say everyone needs a castle, but the castle in your mind isn't what everyone needs. I had a castle, a very big castle. This page will be everything about my castle, which took somewhere around one hundred seasons to build. Maybe more, maybe less, you know how I feel about time.
First I'll go over my castle in general, then the start of my castle. If you have questions, contact me below. No buttons here, just special words to click.
I fondly remember those linked words working. Then not working. Maybe they work now? We'll see in a little bit. I really do test them. As for today, I was beginning to think it's time to talk more about my castle as it's built and what I was doing. Start. (
Even rocks need armor. Surprising, I know. But that isn't the biggest surprise here.
More about that journey ( with my horse and small crew. And maybe some things that may not look to be on-topic, but I'm sure you know better by now.
Following strange animals really isn't a good idea. No matter where you are. But, if you're the offspring of a dragon and god, it probably is even less of an idea. ( But, at least I found a friend or two.
Things are rarely as they appear. That is definitely a life lesson that most people learn. I think it's what makes older humans bitter. It does make me wonder if humans would respond well to Aushlin's genetic enhancement. But, not to digress too long, you finally get to see what the cat is. I'm sure you won't be too surprised. (
Some people only appear peaceful. What they do behind closed doors says otherwise. Having that sense to be able to know what people really are on the inside is something I truly miss. Now, in my human-ish form, I do have a good sense of people, but it isn't quite as obvious. Maybe if I wasn't restricted to only human senses I would regain some of that, but I'm enjoying this planet for the most part. (
Golems really wound up being amazing creatures. It's too bad a certain enemy had to pay a visit. ( But, my castle was taking shape around this time. I'm not pretending to know the details of when this happened, but I do remember some of the before, some of the during, and the after. Those latter two aren't in this section.
Battles toward the latter part of my first-ish life were few and far between. Reputation had a lot of affect on that. But there were other forces that were still causing trouble. ( Yes, this is filler material until we get to the more fun stuff filling in a few missing pieces here and there. But, there is the same factor as anywhere else.
How would you build a city? From scratch. Another question may be how do you grow a forest. The latter is to plant a tree. Then, plant a tree. Then, repeat until you have a forest. The former is here (
Quaint Castle
I will confirm for you one thing you’ve noticed, my memories written here are not going to be in any order. If I were to write a physical book, it would be boringly linear. I would likely start somewhere near the end and put in a bunch of flashback memories in an attempt to relieve some boredom. And, that would only make it confusing.
So, it would be boring.
It doesn’t take a lot of guesswork to think that I succeeded to some degree in what I believe was my first life. I’ll let you keep thinking that. But, I did amass quite a fortune in my adventures and was gifted a nice castle. Nice may be just a little underwhelming. I can’t use feet and inches, or meters. We didn’t have those, or I don’t remember anything like that. But, we did walk, so that should be reasonably close enough.
Fortune may have caught your eye as well. We did have money, but it was all metals. Copper, silver, gold, and platinum. The universe seems to have played something constant, copper was abundant and platinum was not. We also had decorative rocks. They weren’t valuable. There were provinces that didn’t use money, which made it interesting when traveling. I’m sure I’ll talk about them at some time.
As for how much money did what? I don’t remember. Copper was useful in day to day life.
Back to my castle. And walking. You could walk around the outside of the castle, but, if you'd just eaten, you would be hungry when you finished. We also ate three or four times during a typical day, not too different from Earth meals. But, just the exterior size isn’t impressive. Remember, this is a world of magic.
On my hip I always carried what would best be described as a leather bag. It was almost the size of a door when unfolded. I used it as a door. It led into my castle. The tricky part is that it led to a room that you couldn’t access by wondering inside the castle itself. So, maybe it led to some other random place. I did get it from a wizard, after all. You may wonder why I would accept a wizard’s toy. Typically, I wouldn’t, but this wizard was also a priest bound to my mother. He later broke that bond, but that’s a story for another day.
Of course, my castle didn’t start out the size I mentioned. It started as just a little house in the woods surrounding Drak-Bar’s preferred town. Towns didn’t always have names officially. Most did, but some were only descriptions, like Drak-Bar’s preferred town. The house in this case was the same home where I was born some years before I came across it. My mortal mother had left, and my mortal father had been badly wounded. This was during some of the blah-blah-blah’s in my own intro.
At this time, he said he felt bad and should have never lost his temper, so he gave me a house full of lead. I then spent time building around the house as I found the resources. I guess I got just a little carried away.
I didn’t consume the town, if you’re wondering. And, maybe you’re thinking of a nice big castle with stone walls, possibly gray. I’m going to disappoint you. Then, I’ll impress you. Or, maybe the opposite.
First of all, the walls of my castle were white. Maybe marble would be a good comparison. You haven’t been introduced yet to my preferred public dress, or really a lot about some features that I know I had. Again, folded over what looks mostly human. Thanks, mother.
The outer walls weren’t tall. For a castle. If you were somewhat athletic, you could get on top of the wall with a short run and a good leap. I wasn’t hosting enemy armies. I was hosting townspeople and diplomats at this point where my castle was complete.
It did start as just a place to call home. My real home. A thief’s home. Filled with lead daggers. Even just before my time in Drak-Bar’s boulders was coming to an end, I was still finding hidden lead daggers. My dad had a thing for daggers. I would guess gold, but maybe silver. Lead daggers aren't really useful for too much.
That house sat in the middle the entire time. As did a few trees around it, just to keep that unaltered feel. I was accused of being a little vain at times.
I added a ring of living quarters around this ring of trees. Then a ring of hosting rooms. You could call them party rooms, dining halls, whatever. Just large areas that could play host to many people. These rings kept being added. I always kept a ring of trees between each of the building rings. May have been an eagle thing.
There were some streams that were left alone. I would divert some water to serve inside. Running water. Plumbing? Never really something you remember. But, we did have running water.
Some rings did have open fields for games. Think about your local medieval festival. Those games. There were places for horses, dogs, and other food animals. Gardens for food, gardens for flowers. I didn’t have a bowling alley, though.
Museum? Of course. Restaurant? Yep. Tavern? This was a requirement. The town had these things as well. Had. I invited those owners into the castle. On the town side of the castle. This also was a result of the slime ball that thought he was going to rule Drak-Bar’s preferred town. This would wind up being the last quest I would take part in. Insert tears here.
By now, your mind is probably drawing a nice castle made of concentric rings. Leave out the concentric part. Rings is best compared to tree rings, grown in a tree that’s been distressed with something in its way. I had to go around big rocks, streams, houses, and other things that were better left in place. It was a nice castle, and nice place to call home. For a short time.
Castle Beginnings
It had been well over one hundred seasons since I’d last stepped into my birth home. Nearly two hundred. Elysha was still running the tavern with Leyan. Leyan looked as young as when I’d first seen her. Same gold buckles, same leather. Same Leyan.
Elysha, however, was starting to look his advanced age. His tough life showed in the various scars on his face and arms. I’m sure the rest of him showed the same road map of scars. Tough man. And he’d been a good friend. Khrista and Klarys still had their shops, overflowing with merchandise. Klarys had a reputation throughout Drak-Bahr’s Boulders for having the best armament, whether it was simple leather or advanced metals. Either could be had with your choice of magical enhancement.
Krista also had a good reputation. If there was something you needed, she would find it. Anything. Granted, for some items she did have a pretty good helper. I’d brought back more than one item she requested.
You may be asking if I’d married or mated or whatever. No. I had a mission and it wasn’t complete. It was getting better, but the mission wasn’t done. Not yet.
Surprisingly, even a magic shop opened up. Sechone’le was the owner. He wasn’t like my other friends. Barely a mage, and no interest in advancing to a wizard, even though he had six legs and four arms to work with.
A magic shop may or may not be what you’re thinking. What it wasn’t was a shop full of magic elixirs and staves. Ingredients to make your own elixir? Yep. Tomes that told you how to weave magic? Only the basics. There was an assortment of many things that wizards would typically use to help them weave spells, but to most they looked like trinkets, and rocks.
I’d met Sechone’le a few seasons before this time. He had a small tent on the beach, which was an odd place for magic. Most seamen were more interested in swords and daggers than rocks and leaves. Unfortunately for him, some of the less scrupulous beach goers really didn’t like his species. They were commonly wizards. See, I’m not the only one.
Since most could not see the magic field around him, they didn’t see that he was the same as them and not a wizard. Based on what I saw, his ability to use magic was less practiced than my own, and I’ve yet to be accused of being a mage.
Long story shortened, I became a body guard for a short time. He kept insisting on setting up a shop and letting people know magic wasn’t all bad. I thought Elysha would be a good guy to keep an eye on him.
You would think having six legs would help you walk either quickly or for a long distance. Neither was true in his case. And, he had a great fear of horses. Especially considering how my horse now looked. I have mentioned that he didn’t remain flesh and blood for his entire life. Well, that transition happened over one hundred seasons before this memory. Think of citrine. Or, yellow-gold colored quartz. For all I know he could have been made of diamond with a yellow-gold tint. Either way, not flesh and blood and quite unnerving when you first met him. An Earthen Clydesdale would be similar in relative size. And he’d acquired a neat trick when he turned to stone. Think elephant. Then think of that elephant as a mouse. I’ll get into all of that at another time.
Back to this memory’s present. A good amount of the merchandise that my lady friends held was actually mine. I had no real place to store it. The room inside my bag was full. And it had several infinite bags inside of it.
Whoever called them infinite bags really needed to work on the name. It really wasn’t infinite. Time nor capacity. Although time seemed to basically stop, it would move over a long enough period of time. I found out the wrong way with a bounty I’d tried to collect. Oops. As for what they hold, it was a lot, but everything was kinda just tossed in. I could put a set of shelves in there, but stuff would fall off somehow. They weren’t my favorite things, but I still kept a few on hand. Mostly, I stored infinite bags inside infinite bags. In a couple hundred seasons I would find out this was a bad thing.
Khrista asked why I didn’t build a house. Or castle. It hadn’t really crossed my mind. I had really stopped bounty hunting and was only concentrating on my mission. But, that did give me a thought. I knew the house I’d found my armor in was my birth-home. Elysha had insisted on coming along to make sure Nektyr didn’t stumble across a stranger in his house. I did finally meet him a few seasons later. I had almost forgiven him for leaving me in a forest by that point.
If you remember, me strolling back into town at this time wasn’t just a nice walk. I had to deal with a little wizard first. Nektyr tried as best he could, but he was only a thief, not a real fighter. One of the wizard’s henchmen got to him before Elysha could help. And, even though there wasn’t much of a fight inside the tavern, I still wasn’t fast enough to help outside.
That wasn’t the end of the trouble, but it was the start of a long quest to free other towns from similar tyrants. I had to do something while my castle was built. For the first few seasons, the house wasn’t much more than storage for extra things. Workers would need places to stay, as did the few residents in the town. It was the start of something good.