Welcome to Reviews
This is a section I've thought about over time. Primarily, how to give a decent review without injecting too much bias. Keep everything objective. Does it really matter if I think a certain pair of shoes is comfortable? Not really, your feet don't look like my feet. And, what isn't more comfortable than a few sticks bound with leather straps to your feet? I'm finally adding a link just to shoes. Read the blog to know why, but here's that link: aquillun.space/reviews#shoes
If you have something you'd like me to look into, drop me a line and I'll see if I have an opinion to share.
So, I'm going to hit you with statistics and objective measurements. Maybe with a side of subjective opinion.
I'm adding some subjection to refrigerators, but mostly objective. I wouldn't have expected to have anything to write on the subject with my latest refrigerator being five years old. And one month. The one before was sixteen before it finally stopped working. And two of those were in the garage. Not a good place for a refrigerator that never had its coils cleaned. I miss that basic Whirlpool.
And, now that I have a new dishwasher, you get to read about a couple that I've used. www.aquillun.space/reviews#dishwasher
Socks. They're a bit needed in some climates. Mostly to protect your shoes from your feet, and your feet from your shoes. Simple piece of cloth. But, they aren't all the same. Not even from the same brand. www.aquillun.space/reviews#socks I also added a quick review about my recent coupon use in here. I'll update later if I ever hear anything. I'm breathing quite normal.
Real estate. It's a good investment opportunity and not always just a home or house. But, the transactions are only as good as the professionals that guide you through it. aquillun.space/reviews#realtor-symbio
Car reviews? Sure, why not. It isn't often I find myself in a different car for a short time, so I'll add rentals as they come up. I may even go a bit more in depth on my truck. After all, I've had this one for nearly eighty thousand miles, and the one before it for over thirty thousand more. But, I recently had a Dodge Charger (aquillun.space/reviews#dodge-charger) for a week. I did like how it looked, which I don't get into. But, read the rest.
Bowling. No, I'm not reviewing a bowling ball. That requires videos. And, really, if you throw any ball correctly, it will knock down all the pins. No, I'm talking about the handicap system (aquillun.space/reviews#bowling). And it's less of a review on the system, and more of a review on bowler's ability to perform math. Or lack thereof.
Shavers. The human body requires a bit of maintenance. Most prefer the clearance of hair from certain areas, and shavers are called into action for these instances. (aquillun.space/reviews#shavers) I am aware the female and male bodies do require a bit different tact, but what I'm covering shouldn't matter in this case.
Are you planning a trip? Using airplanes? Here are five airports and an airline for you to think about. Hope you like mystery food. (aquillun.space/reviews#about-those-flights)
Do you want some bad tires? Just buy Toyo tires. (aquillun.space/reviews#toyo-tires)
Shoes, Of Course
This one should be no surprise, but shoes are the first category I'm adding. As for comfort, if I wear a pair of shoes to be considered worn out, they must have some level of comfort. As a note, I do have a pair of shoes currently that are fine for standing around, but are horrible for walking more than a mile. They are not being tracked in this case.
For the data, I'm only going to report shoes that I find comfortable enough to wear for a two mile walk. Will you find them comfortable? I'm not going to answer that question, but I will tell you how long each pair of shoes was able to last.
I always carry a cell phone on Earth, so tracking my steps for each shoe is easy. I also know how many steps per mile I walk, among other stats. So, this is how you are seeing the mileage for each shoe. Take it with a small grain of salt, the numbers won't be exact, but should be within five percent of reality.
As for wear, these numbers are when the tread in a part of the shoe had been completely erased and is smooth with no evidence of the tread remaining. To be fair, any of these could go farther if I wore them until there were holes, but the smooth tread should make the comparisons more equal.
Just adding the ASICS Gel-Venture 8. You'll note the miles are much less than the others. I did have high hopes for these as they tread was quite deep. But, that's the point they started to become uncomfortable, even if the main tread looked good. There was some bald spots near the toe is all. Just no more comfort.
August 28, 2022: I bought another pair of New Balance 410 model shoes, since the first ones were pretty good. These were different, of course, and much less in the comfort side. In fact, about a mile was the limit on these shoes. I did manage to put in seventy four miles before deciding to step up again. This time, to a pair of shoes from OrthoFeet. They weren't the most expensive in my list, but they are very comfortable. I'll add more after I wear them in a little more.
February 19, 2023: I had some reservations about the OrthoFeet shoes and their very shallow tread. I will say the shallow tread has held up amazingly well, but it finally did meet the criteria I've been using for other shoes and is worn out by that definition. But, they remain just as comfortable as day one. And, the shallow tread hasn't been an issue on snow and ice with traction. One thing these shoes come with are adjuster inserts to allow you to adjust how tight they fit top to bottom. I installed both into each shoe, as the shoe size is a bit larger than other brands. The thin one on the right shoe refused to stay in place at this nearly three hundred mile mark, so it was discarded. I could buy more insoles and fully restore any comfort that may have been lost, but I would be walking on treadless shoes in another three hundred miles. I'll keep wearing these until I find something else I like.
November 12, 2023: I did finish wearing the first pair of OrthoFeet shoes, and opted for a second pair. This time the hands-free model. Overall, very comfortable with the convenience of just stepping in. Will I get another? Well, I did order another brand, called Vionic. When they came in, I tried them on. And, then things went downhill from there. First, how did I find them. I did a search for most comfortable hands-free shoes. They came up. I selected the wide width and only one shoe style remained. I selected the standard size. They arrived. They were not hands-free, which is not obvious in the website. But, I know how to tie shoes, so whatever. But, when I put my foot in the shoe, the first thing I noticed was a rather large ridge between the heal and arch. A very large ridge. My Earth-wife even noticed, and she has smaller feet with more pronounced arches. The second was how tight the show was around the ball of the foot. And, this is the wide width. They've been returned. I'll continue wearing out this hands-free pair of OrthoFeet shoes. They are a bit beyond where I've been saying worn out, but they are still very comfortable and provide adequate traction.
New Balance 996, I paid $197
Miles walked: 385
New Balance 410, I paid $65
Miles walked: 405
ASICS Gel-Contend 7, I paid $66
Miles walked: 296
ASICS Gel-Venture 8, I paid $70
Miles walked: 160
OrthoFeet Spring, I paid $130
Miles walked: 411
Another change to the website builder. Now I don't have to know the code for the backgrounds, and it shows me all the colors I've used. There's a lot thanks to the picker thing. No, I'm not going back and re-coloring everything.
On to socks. It's fitting they're below shoes, pun may or may not be intended. You decide.
First of all, I haven't been keeping track of how well socks wear for very long, but I also know my purchase history. Also, when I buy new socks, they don't mingle with the old. Buy new, toss old. I don't have to worry about a pair of socks matching this way. What you do with your old socks is up to you, but you could use them as something or throw them in a trash pile, or toss them out to decompose in a stinky pile of decomposing rubbish.
When do I decide to replace socks? When I lose about twenty percent to holes. I may be okay with holy place, but not holey clothes. I'm going to show purchase dates, but the turnovers will be similar, about a week after purchase.
So, I'll go through purchase history with dates. I typically bought the Hanes brand for quite some time. The first I show a buy date for is September of sixteen. Those were replace fourteen months later by more Hanes socks. Those were replaced in August of nineteen, lasting twenty-one months. Those lasted a year, being replaced by Dickies brand socks. Those were then replaced in January of twenty-two by some Fruit of the Loom socks. And, I just ordered new socks. December of twenty two.
And a little more readable:
Hanes Ultimate socks: September, 2016 through November, 2017
Hanes FreshIQ X-Temp socks: November, 2017 through August, 2019
Hanes Comfortblend Max Cushion socks: August, 2019 through August, 2020
Dickies Dri-tech Moisture Control socks: August, 2020 through January, 2022
Fruit of the Loom Dual Defense socks: January, 2022 through December, 2022
Champion Double Dry Moisture Wicking socks: December, 2022
Now for very few notes. The only socks that I really can add a note for are the current Fruit of the Loom socks. And, before that note, I will say I don't have foot sweat issues or stinky feet issues. Yes, that is important. All feet sweat a little, but the socks are there to control that problem, and the shoes are there to ventilate the socks. But, the Fruit of the Loom socks are the only ones where I can leave a footprint in wetness after taking off a shoe. I only know this because of my bowling hobby. Wet floors are bad with bowling shoes. I never left any footprints with any other sock. They are also a much thinner sock, even though they say they are cushioned. They aren't. That lack of material most likely lead to the footprints, but I'll watch for that more closely with the new socks.
As you may have read, either below or before, I recently made a few purchases at lowe's home improvement. I will say I do like that they do keep an inventory of appliances in stock for cash and carry. But...
I recently was asked if I'd like to save twenty bucks on my next purchase. Who wouldn't? I updated my little saver account thing and did receive a coupon for twenty bucks on a purchase. So far, so good.
Then, I went shopping for gifts and spent a total just over a hundred fifty dollars. Over by a buck and nine cents. One fifty one oh nine. This number is important. Now, one reason I wasn't too happy this time is that they only had self checkout. The worst thing to hit stores, aside from the most recent price-gouging session. I'll get to that some other time in a different section.
I scanned everything and saw that number, then remembered my twenty dollar coupon. But, there wasn't a coupon button on the screen, so I waved over the one poor soul that had to watch the registers. His answer? You have to use customer service to use the coupon. He hit some buttons on the screen and printed out a little ticket so the customer service rep wouldn't have to scan everything. Nice-ish so far. Then, the customer service guy scanned my coupon, then applied the little ticket. Can you guess the price? One fifty one oh nine. I asked about the twenty dollar coupon, and he said it was applied. And, the receipt even shows a twenty dollar discount. Now, you figure out the math where having a twenty dollar coupon discounts you to the same price as no coupon.
I may change the title of this section. Some day. I really don't expect to be using very many of these major appliances, they should last quite a while. But, they don't.
Yesterday, I noticed a little water dripping from the ice dispenser in my refrigerator. It was a nice dispenser. Cubed ice (their name, not mine) or crushed ice. And water. The cubes were more like little moons. It also had a second ice maker in the bottom freezer. These were bigger and blockish shaped, but also rounded.
The water was from the little moons. They were melting. And it was Sunday night. Maybe it was stuck in defrost mode? You know that answer. If it was, it wouldn't be much of a review. And, guess how old the refrigerator was. If you said just older than the warranty period, you'd be correct. And, this is a reputable brand, LG. Life's Good? Sixty one months into a sixty month warranty.
Now, it would be easy to say this is a short review. Refrigerator breaks just out of warranty. Correction. Computer controlled refrigerator breaks just out of warranty. Are those related? I have a data point.
But, let's talk about the buying experience for a new refrigerator. Walk into the local home depot (absence of capitals is intentional, as always. You should be picking up on that by now) and they have a few dozen. But, only three available for pick up. I see dozens. But, those can't be delivered for a couple weeks. Ten days if I win the lottery and pick the right one. But they have three available.
Back to the old refrigerator. It is about twenty five cubic feet. Maybe a little bigger. Full of fresh vegetables and fruit and my freshly made chili. Not Texas Chili, I like beans. You want the recipe? Maybe later.
The three that are on the floor? One is about eighteen cubic feet. Not a real good option. Cheap though. So is the supposed twenty seven cubic foot refrigerator. The problem with the first one is obviously size. Much too small, although it would make a nice drink fridge if it could handle the hostile environments in the garage. Unlikely. The second one that is inexpensive and "big?" Side by side. Anyone that likes to use the freezer size for large, flat items knows why these are basically useless. I believe their only existence is to be readily available and because it was easy to make an ice and water dispenser in the door. I see no other use for these.
So, that gets us to the third option. Really, there are four options. I could've went elsewhere. Sometimes, that is the best option. But, I have no patience for such things. Get in, get done, get out. The third refrigerator is thirty cubic feet. It doesn't have a couple nice features, like the externally available water and ice dispenser, or the door in a door that allows quick access without letting all the cold air out. But it does have a water pitcher in one of the doors. I could make flavored water and have it chilled to thirty seven degrees. Yay. Thankfully, that pitcher is larger than my thirty two ounce cup. It also creates two sizes of ice cubes, both in the bottom freezer. Big ones and little ones. I can't tell you what they look like for sure, it's only made five of them on the big side. After twelve hours. I just set it to super cool, or max cool, whatever energy guzzler mode it is to speed up ice production, two hours ago. Most of these five are pretty mis-shaped, but I would guess cube with a rounded bottom. And, I just heard it drop more. :)
By now, it should be obvious which one I bought. Side by sides are crap, and I prefer not to buy a small one for now and change it out later for one I'd prefer to have. I was just lucky the better one wasn't from Lotsa Garbage. No, I'm not bitter. They still have capital letters. For now. Seven more big ones, no little ones yet. Not that the first two days of a new refrigerator's ice makes a lot of difference. You probably don't want to eat it. That's assuming it decides to make little ones.
But, this is where home depot loses their letters. This refrigerator was in their line-up listed just under two thousand dollars. By a dollar. The one that was ready to go? Add a couple hundred, because it was a returned item marked down twenty five percent. The starting price was a dollar under twenty nine hundred dollars. At least it wasn't a penny under. That'd be ridiculous.
So, when you need a refrigerator now, and how often do you just buy one just because, home despot will gladly mark "down" a model ready to go so it's more expensive than the one you could buy from the floor, and wait for several days. Because that ten dollar a pound beef will wait that long. Not to mention the vegetables and fruits. They understand, they'll decide to stay good. Because those dozens of floor models aren't available. When did a home improvement store become a boutique?
And, you are correct that I will get the price reduced. There is a reason I used a credit card instead of cash. And, that "sale" price they have? Everyone has that price. And, I do mean everyone. Even the manufacturer. From Korea. But, they give you extra color panels and an extended warranty for that missing dollar. How about that? Oh, more ice noises.
Twenty one baby ices. Most are disfigured, but rectangular with rounded bottoms. About the same size as the crushed ice from the other machine (minus the bits).
For now, we'll just say I avoided Lost Gadgets for now. The new one from Samsung has a ten year warranty. So, aside from maybe something about ice, I should update this in one hundred twenty one months. It is computerized, after all.
Update: Today. Yesterday was the day I was overcharged for a refrigerator. Today, I was refunded and charged a proper amount.
Priority one yesterday was to buy a refrigerator quick enough to save the food in the one that had decided not to cool. I knew the price discrepancy was there, but it wasn't worth the effort at the time to rectify the problem. Today, it was worth the time. Very little, as it turns out. Yesterday would have been very much time.
The first lady I spoke with saw the prices and immediately said she would charge the correct amount, a couple dollars under two thousand. Then, I mentioned what the guy had said yesterday about twenty five percent off for a return model. When she put that number in, her eyes grew as it was an amount that was manager approval territory. I asked what was standard for returns, twelve percent. No permission needed. I said that was fair, as it was still new in its box. Sitting on its shipping pallet.
So, short story short, I have a refrigerator that is okay, but still not perfect. But, I'm sure it will grow on me over the next one hundred twenty one months when it decides I need a new one. Maybe I'll remember to start shopping a couple months before that.
If you're in the market for a used refrigerator, hit me up in about ten years.
As for the chili (adjust for your allergy list and taste preference of course):
ten medium tomatoes, diced (or about two quarts)
one large onion, diced
two sixteen ounce cans of chili beans (I use the hot variety, you may wish otherwise)
one sixteen ounce can of refried beans (again, I use hot, you use your preference)
two pounds ground beef (pork works as well, I've also used pork belly that's been diced and I'm sure other meats would be okay)
Toss the tomatoes, onions, and all beans into a slow cooker and mix together. Add in the following spices:
Garlic, I used a quarter cup of powder. You may use more or less.
Black pepper, again, quarter cup of ground
Worcestershire sauce, quarter cup (A1 or any steak sauce may work as would BBQ sauce)
Maple syrup, quarter cup
Start the slow cooker on medium for 4 hours. Now, brown the ground beef (or whatever meat you chose) adding:
Black pepper, enough to lightly cover the spread out meat.
Salt, a good tablespoon. You could leave this out if you wanted, but it adds a good flavor
After the meat is cooked, add it to the slow cooker. You should be down ten to fifteen minutes, which is okay.
The four hours is for the medium cook time. Your slow cooker should go into the keep warm state. I usually go to bed just after adding the meat, giving a total cook time in the ten hour range.
Top as you would any chili, and enjoy!
UPDATE: I'm not really happy with my refrigerator. Or, more specifically, the ice maker. It's been a couple months, so I know a bit more about what I had to buy to save all my food. It does keep things cool or frozen, as expected. The pitcher of water is nice and fast, but doesn't allow my now-three-year-old to get her own water. She can pour it from the pitcher, but it takes someone a bit taller to get the pitcher out. She can get her own ice, however.
And, that's the part that this thing doesn't do well. Sure, it makes ice. And, if you don't drink ice water or iced drinks in general, it may make enough. But, if you like a little water in your ice or a little tea in your ice, you'll be disappointed. Unless you're single. And, if you want to throw some ice in a small, six-pack size cooler for a weekend out racing small cars? Good luck, you'll have to conserve on those iced drinks during the week. It just doesn't make enough. We recently left it alone for four days as we were out of town. We didn't have enough ice to fill that small cooler, but we did when we got back. As long as we didn't want iced drinks.
Summary: Don't buy a samsung if you like ice.
You may be guessing that I have a new dishwasher. You would be correct. I had purchased a Bosch in twenty fifteen for about seven hundred dollars. That particular model is about eleven hundred now. On sale. I went back to the other range for my new LG at eight hundred dollars.
And, this wasn't a purchased spurred by a thought of the old going bad and staying ahead of the curve. This was a the-old-one-pissed-on-the-floor replacement. Seven years and four months, which is a bit more than two years after its warranty expired. So that is a small bonus.
But, I will also say that I wasn't really enamored by the Bosch. The drawers were nice and had many peg things for separating dishes. But, the reason I bought it, aside from the name, was the third drawer in the top. It was extremely handy for really getting silverware clean, since they were all separate and not touching each other. It was also nice for the small, flat plates used for dipping sauces like soy sauce. And, more importantly, chop sticks. Although it is difficult to keep those as separated as the silverware for cleaning.
I did like that it kept everything clean, as you would expect from this price point. I only had a couple issues where things didn't get cleaned, but that was because the top sprayer would fall off the rack. Maybe four times in seven years. Not horrible, but four more times than it should fall apart.
Falling apart is one thing, but the drying performance wasn't very good. But, that's more likely an issued with politicians assigning a certain amount of power for an appliance to get a green rating from the bureau-rats. So, I really didn't hold that against them, but this model was extremely insistent on keeping its rinse aid compartment full, or at least not empty. It was mostly easy to ignore, but it would add thirty minutes to a two and a half hour cycle. I run my dishwashers mainly overnight, so not really a concern for me, but maybe for you.
No, what I really didn't like was the fast-acting water valve. When water is running, and you quickly close a valve, the inertia from the running water behind that valve creates a hammer effect. Water hammer. This really isn't very nice to your pipes in the long run. I installed a second anti-hammer device. Didn't work. So, the solution was to slow the water using the manual valve. Basically, instead of giving the tubing to the dishwasher the full amount of water, it ran on more of a trickle. My valve takes about two turns to fully open. I only opened it a quarter turn for the Bosch. It didn't completely solve the hammering, but it certainly quelled it a lot.
If you want to know what kind of damage can result, I've replaced about a dozen pipe hangers in my basement. Some of these may be because they were cheap plastic, but some were due to the pipes rebounding before I was able to fully quell the hammering. I didn't replace them with cheap plastic, but I'm sure you would have guessed that.
I may have stated something similar before, but I made two different stops in my attempt to get a cash-and-carry dishwasher. I already knew to avoid home depot, but I decided to try a more local outlet. The showroom said they didn't store any appliances at their store, but I could stop at the warehouse halfway into the nearby city. The warehouse maintained banker's hours. This was Saturday. The next delivery would have been three weeks out, which is better than home despot, but still not acceptable.
So, I went to Lowe's. They keep an appliance inventory on hand at all times for cash-and-carry people. But, this was during the special sales that happen in late November, so people were buying many dishwashers. Apparently.
My first choice was from Kitchen-Aid. The mixer people apparently make pretty good dishwashers as well. I really liked the third drawer concept they use. About half of the third drawer is a little deeper to allow for placement of drinking glasses. And it was only nine-fifty. Keep in mind that was a couple hundred cheaper than what I was replacing. But, they didn't have any at the store I was at. They did show four at another store about thirty minutes away, so we called. They said they didn't have any. Five seconds after we gave them a model number. They never looked. I can't prove that, but it's a pretty good hunch.
So, on to the second choice. Whirlpool. Same third drawer rack as the Kitchen-Aid, but fifty dollars cheaper. Yes, aside from the exterior handle and a couple badges, this one looked exactly like the Kitchen-Aid. Right down to the stock availability.
This one was in stock, and it's the one in my kitchen right now. It's an LG that was listed at seven fifty. Only fifty more than I spent seven years ago. But, the quality isn't quite there and is of no comparison to the Kitchen-Aid. The top drawer did feel nicer than any other model of a similar or lower price, but nowhere near as solid as the Kitchen-Aid. And, after installing it, that wasn't just the over-used floor model. It also has fewer peg-things for separating dishes, which makes it seem to hold fewer items. If they're all plates. The interior dimensions are basically the same, maybe not quite as deep, but it does hold a similar amount of pots and pans as the Bosch. The middle drawer has two different heights. I use the lowest one. Fuzzy cups.
You may not know what a Fuzzy cup is. It's a restaurant that sells reusable thirty-two ounce cups. The initial purchase is about three bucks, which is typical around here, but refills used to be a dollar. Now they're a buck fifty. Jerks. Fuzzy's Taco Shop is the full name. The particular one I went to was next to a business called the Screaming Peach. Insert your own jokes here. I will admit that I do enjoy businesses with such names. At one time there was a bowling ball company that had such a name. I bought one of each ball they released as my means of support. Unfortunately, the governing body is more stoogey and regulated them out of business due to their ads and name. Too bad I don't recall their name.
The other nice option, and the reason I chose this one over the next-lower model, was the steam cleaning. Now, my door is stainless steel and not polycarbonate, so I really can't see the cleaning action, but I can say everything is very clean. It's really hard to compare to clean items, but dishes feel cleaner now than with the Bosch. And, everything is much drier in the morning as well. But, that may also be due to the night dry mode, which ventilates the tub overnight to help remove moisture. It may also be helped by different bureau-rats that rolled back some the appliance oversight. You really don't save when you have to add more cycles to accomplish what you want. Like low-water-flush toilets. You may have to flush three or four times instead of once, ultimately using more water. Shower heads are the same. It takes a certain amount of water to rinse.
Overall, I will say the LG is nice, but you can definitely feel the cheapness in the build quality. And, there is another feature that I like, but I better turn on my ultrasonic cleaner. I'll be right back.
I'm back, sorry for the delay.
It's unfortunate that my ultrasonic cleaner is noisy enough that it's relegated to the garage, much like my 3D printer was relegated to the basement before it broke. The latter may get fixed, the former just means I make longer trips from the computer.
If you're curious, I'm cleaning some suspension parts from one of my radio control cars. Arrma Limitless. Maybe I'll do a few reviews about those as well. Food for thought.
Speaking of food, it may be time for a bit of food.
Oh, that nicer feature on the LG dishwasher? The water line and power connections are in the front, routing the lines through a tunnel under the unit. I liked the feature, although I can certainly see the down-side as well. Mainly, the water line and power line need to be a bit longer than necessary, adding to the clutter under the sink.
I'll live with it, though. This dishwasher has the same ten year warranty as my new refrigerator. I certainly plan on selling this house before that time is up. So, the next people have to deal with that.
Oh, and if you're counting, that's the third new appliance this year. I'll tell you about the first one sometime.