Past and Future
Time. What is it? Think about that for a while. Can you describe it without talking about time itself? Time is irrelevant. Does that help?
I know in schools they teach three tenses for time: past, present, and future. There are only two, really. Then, is time just part of the tapestry? If that’s the case, there is no future or past, only the present. Where all things happen at one time. Now.
I’ve asked my mother if I could relive my life. Make a change here and there, maybe get a different outcome, save more people. No. What’s done is done. That says there is a past, and where there’s a past, there’s a future.
I’m going to start by taking care of the obvious comment. What about the present? I’m in the present now, why don’t you think it exists?
Well, quite simply, by the time you’ve made the statement, the statement is in the past. Even when you are planning that comment after reading the second paragraph, that thought quickly becomes the past. There isn’t much of a future for the thought, unless you’re taking your time to formulate an argument. Even then, wouldn’t those thoughts drift into the past and your final, thought-out comment came from your past experience? So, does the future exist in your mind?
I do believe in a future, we all wander through the stars along a path, and each path will cross many other paths.
Tapestry. As you may have read, I previously described gods as the beings that created the tapestry of the universe we live in. They also decide the fate of, well, everything. Your life will be working toward that end-goal the gods laid out. I’m definitely not saying any one god really cares about your individual life at this time, but they may have in the past and they may in the future, but you are one part of a large plan. We all are. Even having a goddess for a mother doesn’t give me very many special rites. I do get some special treatment, of course, such as being saved when a giant eagle crushes your chest. There were others, but each saving played along the path that is my destiny.
Am I needed now? I can’t answer that question, and you may feel the same. It shouldn’t be depressing, but it may feel that way. The short answer is that all people walking around are needed for something. It may feel useless from time to time, you wake up, go to work, eat dinner, sleep, wake up. Rinse and repeat. But, there are small changes here and there that make you useful.
Back to the tapestry. I don’t see the tapestry, but I know it exists. The dragons read the tapestry. My father says it’s the most amazing thing you could see. I should note dragons don’t really look at gods the same way mortals do. To them, a god is just a guiding light. There may be a reason I don’t want to see the tapestry.
What is it made of? Strings of lights. Everywhere. The strings fade in and out and weave what looks like a blanket covering three dimensions. The stars flow along these strings, with the string fading as the star passes. It almost sounded like the stars absorbed the energy of the strings. But, this was from a short conversation, and is something fun to think about.
Meanwhile, I’ll live with the past and hope for the future.